Monday, December 7, 2009

So this is how it starts

I've been told that this is very therapeutic so I'm going to run with it. I've never had a forum in which people may take the opportunity to give a rat's ass over what my opinions are. I have also never enjoyed what happens when the common man is given a voice. You will never go broke catering to the lowest common denominator, as you can see by these blog sites.

Anyway. Today, a friend from my past posted a video of Native Leaders protesting the HST (Homogenized Sales Tax). I'll start by saying the only tax dumber than this one is the "Pole Tax" that the Brits introduced in the early 90's, but our Liberals are bringing in a close second. It is my contention that if a province can't finance itself, the Feds should swoop in and take over its services until a responsible solution can be found.

Now, onto my original point here. A native leader stood up and told the PM to start building a boat and go back where you come from. And there it is isn't it? Racism, front and center. Now I don't know about you all, but I'm from Stoney Creek. That is where I was born and raised. I am in fact a Native on Canada. I have never stopped working since the age of 13 and even when I have lost a job, I made sure to keep working, no matter what. I now work keeping this country safe, and have represented this country not only as a soldier, but as an athlete on more then one occasion. So, if I'm expected to go back to Britain, where my great grandparents were born, but if I do.... does that mean that the Six Nations Reserve is going to pack up and head off to the Bering Straight and make a break for Asia?

I mean come now. You lose, you pick up and move on. Its not losing that is the important part of competition. You learn by how you lose. Trust me, in all the different competitions I have had, I have lost alot. I mean alot alot. Like Toronto Maple Leaf loss margins. And the times that I have felt the most embarrassed is when I have blamed the ref, or accused the other team of losing. You lose? To bad, suck it up, be a man. Learn. You want to hurt them? Hurt them on the score board. And trust me, I think the Natives would, if they could just organize. Unfortunately, they are so busy fighting each other that they can't find time to fight "The man". I feel bad about the children that were taken away and sent off the religious schools, only to be abused, I really do, but I wonder if a life of alcholism, physical abuse, and complete lack of education would make it any better???

Do you remember the kid at your school that ended every argument with "I'm going to sue you"? Well, that is what is going on right now. The worst part is, the natives that I have gotten to know, and know well, are fantastic people, with awesome work ethic, and a sense of family surpassed only by their sense of tradition, yet these jackoffs have me on a boat for Great Britain.... like I wouldn't fly. Boats are for suckers. Anyway, that is day one. Tax bad, laziness bad, Greg good.

Kisses to you all,
your hero,