Sunday, October 3, 2010

Its been a while, but what can I say??? I've been busy

So, here I am, feeling like a turd after watching Vic haul ass through the blogging world and decide its time to get my "Feces collated" and get back on my own personal therapy. The fall is off and running and I'm not even sure how we are going to keep it all going. The monster went off and made a AAA hockey team, which involves no less the 2-3 practises a week and 2 games every weekend. The monkey on the other hand has gone off out of nowhere and made the competitive gymnastics team and man is she good. I mean, good gymnasts are saying "wow... she's good".

Now this is all well and good, but lets just put it all into perspective here. AAA hockey ain't cheap, but I will never slow my child down due to financial costs. I personally believe that after years of being told how this is "to expensive," or that is to "time consuming", or my personal favorite... "you are going to get hurt", that these are words that will never come out of my mouth when my child shows promise or raw talent. The first consideration is that after a day of work, the bombshell I get to sleep beside each night and I high-5 at the door, and I'm off in one direction to a hockey rink and she is off to the gymnastics club. I don't begrudge this time. I can actually say that my boy is my best friend, and we talk about everything in the 45 min-1 hour drive to the rinks. And on off days we will switch it up and I'll get to see the monkey wow me with feats of strength and agility that make my back hurt and my muscle's sore just watching her. The problem is that I'm leaving for the better part of a year with breaks back home of 2 weeks every 6 months. The practises and gym time are on the exact same nights at the same time. The bombshell tells me not to worry, she can handle it, but really... why should she???

Our lifestyle is such that we don't have a tonne of family support so she is literally doing it on her own ( the little trooper that she is) and she won't complain about it even once unless somebody really pisses her off. The other fact is financial.... I thought AAA hockey was expensive until we met the financial beast that is gymnastics. Lets just say there are no plans for early retirement any time soon. And again, I don't begrudge a single moment.

Today the monster's team got walloped by a very strong and very big team to the tune of 13-0. The monster ended up getting benched for a couple of shifts for under performance and that led to a very open discussion in the car about work ethic and accountability. He took it in stride and decided to make sure that he never lets the coach down and ups his work on practise ice. The monkey followed it up by saying that he is lucky that he only has to play for 1-1/2 hours and practise the same length since she is on the floor for 3 hours at a pop twice a week. She consoled him in the fact that being a "Bullivant" meant that giving up isn't in our social makeup and that he will find his wind when it comes to him. I was holding back laughter watching my daughter give the boy the "win onefor the kipper" speach but it was good to see them team up.

Long and short... You can't put a price on fun, memories, education or social skillz.... all of which I can easily say "MY CHILDREN ARE ROCK STARS".

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